Talc, commonly known as baby powder, is sold by many companies. Millions of men and women use this product for personal hygiene. However, many women who have used talc on their genitals have serious health problems. Some studies suggest that the use of talc as female grooming product is linked to an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Talc enters the vagina, reaching the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Although doctors found tumors filled with talc, experts can not provide guidance or adequate warning to women, since more research is needed to determine an undisputed link.
Studies of cancer caused by talc
The first report of cases in which investigators found talc in ovarian tumors dating back to 1971. The researchers found that 75% of ovarian tumors contained talc and determined that if the powder is applied to the genitals, it can migrate through body. A decade later, in 1982, the newspaper New York Times suggested that Johnson & Johnson, a major manufacturer of talc, was fully aware of the risk that women will develop ovarian cancer when using the product in their genitals. In 2013, the medical journal Cancer Prevention Research published a report which analyzed research on about 2,000 women who had used talc on their genitals, in which it was found that women had a 20-30% increased risk of developing cancer Ovarian. It is estimated that talc causes nearly 10,000 cases of ovarian cancer each year.
Ovarian cancer lawsuits against manufacturers of talc
In October 2013, after a run by a 56 year old woman who developed ovarian cancer after using the powder for several decades, a jury in South Dakota found that there was sufficient evidence to link the powder for the body trial Johnson Shower-to-Shower ovarian cancer. Daniel Cramer of Harvard University said that he had spent more than three decades researching the link between talc and ovarian cancer and suggested that talc has caused numerous cases of ovarian cancer each year.
With the development of new cases, many women are filing lawsuits ovarian cancer against the multitude of manufacturers talc. The women allege that the manufacturers were aware of the risks, but hid that information to its customers to further increase their profits.
Notwithstanding claims relating to this product, the drug/medical device remains approved by the U.S. FDA.
- Cancer Prevention Research “Genital powder use and risk of ovarian cancer: a pooled analysis of 8,525 cases and 9,859 controls” https://cancerpreventionresearch.aacrjournals.org/content/early/2013/06/12/1940-6207.CAPR-13-0037.abstract#sthash.nkmGFPb4.dpuf
- The Collaborative on Health and the Environment “Ovarian Cancer: Peer-Reviewed Analysis” February 17, 2004 https://www.healthandenvironment.org/ovarian_cancer/peer_reviewed#sthash.nkmGFPb4.dpuf
- The New York Times “TALCUM COMPANY CALLS STUDY ON CANCER LINK INCONCLUSIVE” August 12, 1982 https://www.nytimes.com/1982/08/12/business/talcum-company-calls-study-on-cancer-link-inconclusive.html#sthash.nkmGFPb4.dpuf
- https://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/26/business/johnson-johnson-told-to-pay-3-35-million-in-vaginal-mesh-case.html?_r=0#sthash.nkmGFPb4.dpuf